association Nature et mégalithes – cpie
Heritage mediation in Brittany
Nature et Mégalithes is an organization that aims to implement a local sustainable development project based on:
- Environmental education,
- Development and interpretation of archaeological heritage
- Territorial consultation with all the involved citizens
It received the CPIE label (Permanent Centre of Initiatives for the Environment) for the Val de Vilaine territory in 2005, and handles the diffusion of archeological knowledge towards the public. Working closely with governmental institutions (Region of Bretagne, Departmental Council of Ille-et-Vilaine, Conurbation Community of the Pays de Redon amongst others).
The organization’s experience and the quality of its method are acknowledged with approvals including the following:
- Youth and popular education n°0735J09
- National Education : “Complementary educational association for public education”
Within the CPIE, the Heritage Division’s purpose is the mediation of the prehistoric heritage in all of the Bretagne region :
Reception of groups and the general public in the Maison Mégalithes et Landes, valorization of the megalithic site of the Cojoux moors :
Activities favor fun and experimental approaches that make the participant become the main actor of his findings and learnings.
We also offer guided tours of the local megalithic sites.
Organization of conferences and events:
The CPIE takes part in the JNA (National day for Archaeology) coordinated by the INRAP every year in June, and to the European Heritage Days in September, usually organizing a conference and a guided tour during both weekends.
Organization of the Bretagne Prehistoric Gatherings throughout the whole west of France ever since 2008
This event, designed to keep Breton prehistorical sites alive all year long, focuses on the Prehistoric ways of living through learning by doing. Offering educational workshops and demonstrations (megalithic construction methods, production of fire, ornaments, spear-thrower, cooking…), it combines the experimental process with a recreational approach that is intended to create an educational, convivial and family friendly moment above all.
Round table meetings and exchanges on the practice of cultural mediation in archaeology
CPIE Val de Vilaine organizes every year in November a moment of discussion about cultural mediation of archaeology. This training, open to all contributors from archaeological sites visited by the public, allows the constitution of a knowledge base on this field and to better identify its specificities.
Networking the regional stakeholders and archaeological sites in Bretagne
The Regional Council of Bretagne has assigned coordination of the Prehistoric Sites in Bretagne Network to the association.
Through the various projects, such as the Prehistoric Gatherings or the training sessions, CPIE brings diversified territory’s parties together to meet, share, and establish partnerships in building common projects.

Horaires d’ouvertures
9h-12h et 14h-17h30
Site des Landes de Cojoux en accès libre
Centre Permanent d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement
10 allée des cerisiers 35550 SAINT-JUST
tel : 02 99 72 69 25